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October 2007 Archives

October 1, 2007

Seven Luggage Handling Tips for Flyers

by Debi Lander

The only way to eliminate lost luggage is to personally carry everything on board.  Since that’s not always possible, especially with the liquid and gel restriction, the following tips may help:

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The Flaming Wok – Taking a Break from the Beach and Learning to Cook Thai

by Bonnie Caton

With a whine and a lurch, the truck stopped on the edge of a market in Chiang Mai and we all jumped off into the muddy street.  Morning sunlight was coaxing ribbons of steam out of the damp pavement where Thais shuffled about with bundles of fruit, fish still flopping, rice noodles, shrimp paste and the like, wrapped up in faded sheets or balanced on their heads in woven baskets.  Palm trees and bird calls filled the air surrounding a dark cement building where we’d find the ingredients for our Thai Cooking class.

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Trapped in La Toilette in France

by Bonnie Caton

A few months into my English teaching job in Southern France, by the wonderful predictability of the French system, public services went on strike.  The students chained up the university in protest of a new law which meant that I couldn't work and was still being paid. "I love my job!" I yelled when I next saw Cyril, my French boyfriend.  We decided that the next free day we had together we'd celebrate by going to the beach in the Basque Country.

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Be a Knight for a Night in Hirschhorn Castle, Germany

by Debi Lander
Legend asserts that Friedrich, the last Knight of Hirschhorn, died from a curse.

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La Ninfa Hotel: A Lover's Hideaway on the Amalfi Coast

by Shannon Antony

I awoke to the sounds of gently crashing waves lapping onto the pebbled beach below. When I looked out the window, I saw cliffs that reached the skies, and the salty sea breeze of the warm Mediterranean caressed my face like an Italian lover.

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About October 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Travel Post Monthly in October 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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November 2007 is the next archive.

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